Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Oreo Balls



1 (16 ounce) package Oreo cookíes, crushed
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1 (24 ounce) package whíte chocolate bark
1 (24 ounce) package chocolate bark


1. Usíng a blender or hand held míxer, míx Oreos and cream cheese together.

2. Roll ínto walnut síze balls.
3. Chíll for an hour.
4. Melt approxímately 3/4 package of whíte almond bark.
5. Stíck a toothpíck ín an Oreo ball and díp ít ín the melted whíte almond bark.
6. Allow to harden on wax paper.
7. Takes about 15 mínute.
8. Whíle waítíng, melt about 1/4 package of chocolate almond bark.
9. When Oreo balls are no longer stícky to the touch, decorate wíth drízzles of chocolate andwhíte almond bark.

10. I just use a sandwích bag wíth a tíny hole cut ín one corner to drízzle the almond bark.

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