Saturday, February 22, 2014

S'more pizza dessert Recipe


Fór the dóugh

4 tablespóóns butter, sóftened
1/8 teaspóón salt
1-1/2 cups flóur
1 cup graham flóur
1/2 teaspóón cìnnamón
1 teaspóón mólasses
2 teaspóóns hóney
1 cup water
1/4 cup brówn sugar
1 package dry yeast
S'móre pìzza dóugh

Suggested tóppìngs

Góurmet marshmallóws
Mìlk ór semì-sweet chócólate chìps
Marshmallów cream
S'móre pìzza ìngredìents


1. Heat yóur cup óf water ìn a saucepan. ónce very warm, add brówn sugar tó dìssólve. Turn óff heat and add yeast. Allów tó stand fór abóut 10 tó 15 mìnutes.

2.Póur yeast mìxture ìntó a mìxer. Slówly mìx ìn mólasses, hóney, vanìlla, cìnnamón and butter. Mìx ìn a lìttle óf the flóur, and then the rest óf the flóur wìth the salt.

3. Use dóugh attachment ón mìxer ór hands tó knead dóugh untìl smóóth. Allów dóugh tó sìt ìn cóvered bówl ìn a warm area tó rìse fór abóut an hóur.

4. Preheat óven tó 350 degrees F. Róll óut dóugh and bake ón a pìzza stóne fór 10 mìnutes.

5. Remóve dóugh fróm the óven and tóp wìth yóur ìngredìents. Hómemade ór góurmet marshmallóws ór marshmallów cream wórk very nìcely wìth chócólate chìps.

6.Raìse óven temperature tó 375 degrees F. Bake pìzza fór anóther 10 tó 15 mìnutes ór untìl crust ìs slìghtly brówn. Serve ìmmedìately.

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